Dealing with electrical issues is dangerous, so unless you have the experience and proper training for it, we do not suggest that you handle it yourself. For sure, you may know a few things about your electrical system like where to locate your electrical panel and you probably can tell when something isn’t right. However, attempting to fix an electrical problem yourself is clearly a mistake you would not want to make. 

There are a few home improvement projects that can be as loaded up with risk as that of “Do-It-Yourself” electrical fixes. Dealing with electricals yourself would definitely do more harm than good to both you and your property. As tempting as it may be to avoid calling an electrician just to be able to save a few bucks on electrical works, the resulting damage may actually cost you more. When it comes to any electrical work, it is always best to hire a licensed and expert Winnipeg electrical company like Southcan Electric Ltd. to make sure that the job is done right and to ensure the safety of both you and your property.

5 Reasons why you should not DIY electrical works:

1. Electrical Works Require Expert Knowledge

Professional electricians know what they know because they have undergone several training sessions. You may not realize it but doing something as basic as wiring another outlet or installing a ceiling fan requires a great deal of knowledge and experience to ensure that it is done perfectly. If you try doing either of those by yourself, it would surely take you longer, that is if you ever get to actually finish working on it, considering that you most likely have never done it before. Chances are, you will realize that you did something incorrectly just as you have finished screwing on that final piece.

2. To Avoid Electrical Shocks and Other Accidents 

It is a common fact that the most frequent issue encountered when working around electricity is the possibility of being stunned or shocked. Electrical stun can be dangerous at any voltage level, and may even be lethal, particularly when working with higher voltages.

In most private homes, the normal voltage for lighting and force plugs is 110 volts which is without a doubt more than enough to give you a shock. Just imagine the kind of electric shock you can get from appliances like stoves and dryers which use as much as 240 volts! You may say that you should be fine as long as you switch off the main breaker before starting with any electrical project, but you should also consider hiring people who know exactly how to work around electricity.

3. For Insurance & Warranties Coverage

Should something turn out badly while completing your own electrical fixes, your insurance may not provide coverage since they can easily say that the damage was a result of negligence.

Moreover, when it comes to the warranties of your appliances, most manufacturers only provide coverage if the repair is completed by a licensed electrician and doing the repair yourself would automatically void the warranty. Evidently, having an expert electrician to work on appliance repairs can help you keep your warranties, and will prove to save you money in the long run.

4. To Avoid Fire Hazards from Faulty Electrical Repairs

Just like electric shocks, the danger of causing a fire because of broken wiring is a genuine concern for DIYers. With numerous electrical parts to work with, it can get confusing working with wiring issues. Having these wires mixed up will certainly increase the chances of having fire problems. And unlike electric shocks which manifest immediate effect, electrical fire risks often go undetected for a long period of time. This can lead electrical DIYers into an unreal sense of security as they go about their normal routine after finishing an electrical work themselves until the problem surfaces and a fire breaks out. It is very important to have licensed electricians work on your home electrical projects as they not only have both the skills and knowledge, they can also guarantee your safety.

5. To Make Sure Provincial Electrical Codes Are Met

In Manitoba, the Electrical Safety Code administers residential and business electrical systems. From wiring to connections – all improvements done in your home must be in compliance with the guidelines of this code prior to securing a permit. While the chances of going through a random inspection are low for a homeowner, it may not be the same thing for a business owner. 

Unless you are familiar with the code, having a DIY electrical project may most likely involve use of materials non-compliant with the guidelines and may result in more problems in the future. Working with a licensed electrician on the other hand, ensures all electrical fixes in Manitoba are in direct concurrence with the code.

Evidently, doing your own electrical repairs can be risky for you, your family, and your property. What you may initially think is a way of saving some cash –  like having DIY projects – often prove to be a total waste of money in the long run.

The smartest way to deal with electrical problems is leaving them to professionals. Let the experts take care of all your electrical concerns and give Southcan Electric Ltd.a call now at 204.918.1003. We can help you with all your electrical needs!

Southcan Electric Ltd offers a full scope of Winnipeg electrical services all through Winnipeg, Manitoba. Reach us today to schedule an appointment with one of our  expert electricians.